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This calculator was created for the clinical trial Washington University Study of Having Alzheimer Disease Dementia Results Explained (WeSHARE). It was developed by researchers at the Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center at Washington University in St Louis, funded by grants from the National Institute of Aging: R01AG065234 (S Hartz and J Mozersky, MPI); P01AG26276, P50AG05681, P01AG03991 (Morris, PI).
Hartz, S., Mozersky, J., Schindler, S.E., Linnenbringer, E., Wang, J., Gordon, B.A., Raji, C., Moulder K.L, West, T., Benzinger, T., Cruchaga, C., Hassenstab, J., Bierut, L.J., Xiong, C., Morris, J.C. (2022). “A flexible modeling approach for biomarker-based computation of absolute risk of Alzheimer disease dementia (in press).” Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

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